4 False Facts About The Major World Religions That Most of You Still Hold

History reveals truths distorted by current updated versions

Lioness Rue
Lessons from History


Image courtesy of master1305 — Freepik

Our perception of major world religions has been distorted over time.

I found some contradictions between what’s religiously correct now and what was correct a few centuries ago.


Priests Were Always Celibate

Contrary to what most believe, celibacy was not required to reach the height of spiritual authority.

The first “pope,” Simon Peter, had a wife. Evidence is in Luke 4:38–40.

But in the 300s AD, authorities of the Catholic church started pushing the narrative for celibacy. They claimed one was better dedicated to God’s service if they weren’t married.

11th-century gregorian reform sealed the deal, and all priests had to renounce marriage.

Marriage and concubinage among the lower ranks of the clergy were customary in much of the Western church, although already forbidden by the Council of Nicaea in AD 325. The reform of the 11th century was determined to eliminate this behaviour at all costs. — Uta-Renate Blumenthal on Gregorian Reforms

Hell Is a Real Place…

