4 Fascinating Facts About The Life Of An Ex-US-President

What is life like for an Ex-US-President?

Lessons from History
5 min readMay 5, 2021


After leaving the office with the best resume that America can ever offer, the United State’s ex-Presidents live a life that can be only described as living in a bubble. With strict measures ranging from their travel to their mail, life is not very simple for the former US presidents. With that being said, it is in no way a life anyone would ever detest. Round-the-clock security, a big paycheck every year, and the prestige that comes with the name of the President of millions of people make everything worthwhile. We all are aware of what Presidents do when they are in office, but how does their life change when they leave the White House? Let’s find out.

1. Special President Perks — Pension, Travel, and Health Care

The Former Presidents Act of 1958 made it so that the Presidents would get lifetime pension after their service of four or more years. Today, this amounts to over $200,000 each year. The actual amount of the pension depends on the Senate, but it is usually north of 200 grand these days. This is a ten-fold increase over the menial $20,000 that the First Lady gets if their husbands pass away. Surprisingly, any President who has not been formally impeached can earn this pension…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.