5 Impressive Things You Didn’t Know About The Ancient Romans

No 5: Women had no rights in Ancient Rome

Bryan Dijkhuizen
Lessons from History
4 min readMar 19, 2022


The Battle of Actium | Wikipedia

Remember the Roman Empire?

Gladiators, the assassination of emperors, semi-theaters and therms — the Romans had it all. (They even had Hercules)

But I can guarantee you that there are many things about the Ancient Romans that you didn’t know.

In this article, we’ll go over five of them.

1. Aqueducts Weren’t Actually Created in Ancient Rome

Aqueducts are still in use every day, some old ones in Rome are still used — but did you know that the Romans weren’t the ones that created them?

Pont du Gard in Roman Gaul | Benh LIEU SONG via Wikipedia

In many other old civilizations, Aqueducts were used to transport water.

You might expect this one, but the Egyptians were one of the first people to have been building Aqueducts.

It was quite an achievement in that period of time to develop such advanced systems to transport fluids through the cities, but the Romans really improved the simple system that was created in the ancient…



Bryan Dijkhuizen
Lessons from History

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. — https://bryandijkh.substack.com/