5 Women In History Who Ruled As Emperors

You had male Emperors and female Empresses, but these five women shattered the patriarchy of their time

Kesh Anand
Lessons from History


History has mostly been a man’s game.

It’s even suggested as much by the term: his-story.

While there have been many Queens and Empresses in history —who held the throne in their own right rather than simply as a consort or regent; they have typically been seen as less powerful than their male counterparts.

Even that mighty English Queen — Elizabeth I deigned to never marry as the responsibility of political decisions would have been given to her husband.

There are five women however who broke convention and ruled their countries as legitimate imperial rulers who wielded absolute power.

#5: Wu Zetian — Emperor of China

Credit: Wikimedia commons

Born in 624AD, in the middle of the Tang Dynasty (itself considered the golden age of China), she had a relatively fortunate upbringing.

Her parents were well off and unusually for the time — they bothered to give their daughter an education (including in political and governmental affairs).

