6 Incredible Traditions of the Aborigines

Aboriginal traditions that will surprise you

Mahoney KORPE
Lessons from History


Australia’s natives lived in complete isolation from the outside world until the arrival of explorers, convicts, and British settlers in the 18th century.

Until that day, they continued their traditional lives. In Oceania, all cultures except the inhabitants of Easter Island lived in an unwritten and verbal culture. So in these cultures, information was passed down from generation to generation through songs and stories.

Photo by Jordan Donaldson | @jordi.d on Unsplash

Colonists who came here in the 18th century described the Aborigines, native to Australia, as “barbarian savages.” This was because Aboriginals did not have a social order and clan hierarchy. But the complex rules governing life and marriage in these clans came to be understood much later.

Many of the Aboriginal legends have not been written down. However, these people still living today continue to protect their culture, albeit partially.

1- The oldest bone jewelry in the world

Kevin Walsh via Flickr

In 2016 in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. A kangaroo bone ornament dating…

