6 Times When Winston Churchill Was Hilarious

His most famous quotes

Sabana Grande
Lessons from History


Sir Winston Churchill. By Brian Pike — The Sandpainter, CC BY 3.0, Wikimedia Commons.

One of the most important figures of the 20th Century, Sir Winston S. Churchill is revered for his role in saving Europe from the Nazis during World War II. He served in the military in India, fought in the Boer Wars of South Africa, and was in the trenches in France during World War I.

He is known for being strong-willed, inspirational, and clever. He is also known for being stubborn, an alcoholic, and a racist. Nobody is perfect. But this isn’t an article about his best or worst moments. It is about his funniest moments. Churchill did have a sense of humor.

1. You’re Ugly

Bessie Braddock was one of the most indelicate female politicians of the 1900s. Don’t get me wrong, she was a good person. She just had a habit of stepping on as many toes as possible while getting what she wanted.

She also happened to be an MP for the Labour Party. Churchill was a Conservative. Their rivalry started in 1947 when Braddock disrupted parliamentary talks by doing “a jig as she moved over to the Opposition benches where she occupied the seat usually used by Mr. Churchill.” She did this to mock him and the gesture was generally found to be in poor taste by the public.



Sabana Grande
Lessons from History

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