7 Of The Most Shocking Sex Scandals From Ancient Rome

Relationships in the past were as messed up as those of today, just in a different way.

Peter Burns
Lessons from History


Ancient Roman art (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Tabloids in today’s world are filled with stories of scandals involving politicians, celebrities, or even ordinary people. It was no different in the ancient world. Human nature doesn’t really change, and so it shouldn’t be surprising that similar behavior was happening in the past. Relationships in the past were just as messed up as those of today, just in a different way.

Decadence was blamed for the fall of the Roman Republic by ancient historians. Modern historians, such as Edward Gibbon, have pointed at decadence as one of the factors involved in the fall of the Roman Empire that followed. If you look at the sources from that era, you can see that there are many stories that support this view.

However, before we jump to conclusions, we need to keep in mind that the ancient books that we get the information from might not always be so reliable. As with any book, there could be inherent bias, or even downright falsifications. We can never be sure about the accuracy of what was written.

The “Historia Augusta”, one of our main sources for the history of 3rd century Rome was in reality a mix between serious history and a gossip…



Peter Burns
Lessons from History

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (http://gainweightjournal.com/).