8 Terrifying Facts About Robert Mugabe, the Self-Proclaimed Hitler of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Under Robert Mugabe’s Tyranny: A Record of Atrocities

The True Historian
Lessons from History


Robert Mugabe | Image Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

Zimbabwe’s longest-serving and, in his later years, most infamous president was Robert Mugabe (1924–2019). He was a teacher who served 11 years in a Rhodesian prison for political reasons under Ian Smith.

Mugabe led the Zimbabwe African National Union and helped negotiate the Lancaster House Agreement of 1979, which founded a democratic Zimbabwe. He was elected prime minister and later president, and he used political and military power to quiet his opponents and negotiate peace with the white minority.

Starting in 2000, the dictator agitated for the takeover of white-owned commercial farms, which caused an economic collapse and uncontrolled inflation. After a turbulent 2009 election, he reluctantly accepted a power-sharing agreement with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. His 37-year rule in Zimbabwe ended in 2017. Here are eight appalling facts concerning his terrible regime!

1. Mugabe Enjoyed Comparisons with Hitler

Comparing him to Hitler was flattering for Mugabe. He declared, “I am still the Hitler of the time,” after being likened to Adolph Hitler for his…



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate