9 Disturbing Facts About the Personal Life of Joseph Stalin

Do you know why he tortured his daughter in law?

The True Historian
Lessons from History


Image Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

When one thinks of especially brutal and ruthless dictators, Joseph Stalin is one of the first that comes to mind. During his reign in the Soviet Union, his cruelty was unparalleled, with a famine he induced killing at least five million of his citizens. This event is known as the Holodomor and a part of Stalin’s vicious legacy.

The Soviet Union was so intensely cruel during his era that George Orwell’s magnum opus, 1984, was inspired by Stalin’s exploits. Stalin’s political actions are well-known, but his personal life is less discussed.

1. He refused to save his son when he was captured.

Stalin was a ruthless man. Surprisingly, his unfeeling actions were not limited to strangers. In fact, when WWII broke out, he made sure that his son, Yakov Dzhugashvili, went to the front lines.

During the Nazis’ invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, his son was captured. However, archives reveal that his son may have surrendered to the Nazi forces. Regardless of how he came under Nazi imprisonment, Stalin had no plans to get Yakov back.

When the Nazis offered an exchange after the Battle of Stalingrad, Stalin…



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate