A Boy Waiting His Turn With His Dead Younger Brother At A Cremation Pyre

The fruit of a nuclear war.

Reginald Ben-Halliday
Lessons from History


A Japanese boy standing at attention after having brought his dead younger brother to a cremation pyre, 1945

The photograph above of a child carrying his dead sibling on his back is a photograph taken by photojournalist, Joe O’Donnell in 1945 for the military.

The photograph above depicts the aftermaths of the atomic bomb explosions at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945. His photographs showed the utmost destruction of those cities and the victims who lived in them, who were either dead, badly burned, orphaned, or homeless.

The photograph above was taken in Nagasaki. Joe O’Donnell was witnessing the cremation of dead bodies when a child walked up and stood at attention. On the child’s back, he noticed a baby with its head tilted like it was fast asleep. He watched the child for a bit until men in a white mask walked up to him and took the baby. The baby was dead.

The child and Joe O’Donnell watched as the baby was tossed into the flames, burning till all they could see was ash.

Born on the 7th of May 1922 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Joseph Roger O’Donnell also Known as Joe O’Donnell was an American documentarian, photojournalist, and a photographer for the United States Information Agency.

