A Brief Look at John F. Kennedy’s Many, Many Mistresses

The side of JFK that you don’t know — no, seriously.

Sean Kernan
Lessons from History


Author via Wikimedia Commons

John F. Kennedy was a heavyweight philanderer.

I’d known of Marilyn Monroe and knew there were more.

What I didn’t expect was to find an absolute avalanche of them. There are credible mistress memoirs everywhere. The dude did some serious work.

We often associate Bill Clinton with presidential adultery. I’m starting to think he’s not even in the top 5.

Kennedy was handsome and respected. He had a calm and confident manner and, of course, tremendous power. One could see how he wouldn’t have to work too hard for it.

His wife knew of the affairs and, while not happy about them, had come to accept their arrangement.

There’s an anecdote of Mrs. Kennedy speaking with a Paris-Match reporter during a tour of the White House. She pointed at one of JFK’s secretaries and said nonchalantly in French, “And that is the woman who is sleeping with my husband.”

I could fill forty pages with these stories but I’ll condense them.

His barely-legal Intern

There was 19-year-old, Mimi Alford, who had a longstanding affair with Kennedy:



Sean Kernan
Lessons from History

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