A Place Where Miracles Happen

The miracles of the Ostrog Monastery in Montenegro.

Lessons from History


Credits By Unsplash

Not many know that one of the most popular holy places in the whole world for Orthodox Christians is the Ostrog monastery situated in Montenegro. It is the most significant monastery in the Balkans and the most visited Orthodox shrine in Europe.

I have visited Ostrog only twice in my life — and it has always left a profound impression on me. It is a true masterpiece of nature and mankind. It is situated inside the large rock , around 900 meters above sea level near the town of Danilovgrad — where my father was born.

The monastery was was established in the 17th century in the honor of Saint Vasilije (Basil) of Ostrog who was buried inside and who is believed to have miraculous powers for many pilgrims who come to visit Ostrog.

It was Saint Basil’s decision to build this monastery in Montenegro into a cliff in order to protect because this was the time when the Ottoman Empire was causing havoc in the area.

But the legends says that St Basil was also guided by God to create something special.Each year there are thousands of visitors from all over the world, of all nationalities and religions.

The Ostrog monastery consist of two parts: the Upper and the Lower.



Lessons from History

Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!