A U.S. Science Experiment that Deliberately Separated Jewish Identical Twins from Birth

Living a lie in the name of science

Jhemmylrut Teng
Lessons from History


Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

In the 1960s, Louise Wise Services, an adoption agency in New York City, participated in a twin study funded by the Jewish Board. The research aims to understand the psychological effects of separation if the twins grow up separately.

The twin experiment supports the nature versus nurture study, an analysis of whether circumstances determine human behavior, either prenatal or during a person’s life or by their genes.

The Triplets

The triplets: Eddie, David, and Robert | Credit: Basementreject.com

Edward “Eddie” Galland, David Kellman, and Robert Shafran, also known as the triplets, gained national fame in the ’80s when they became the news headlines.

The discovery started when they were all 19 years old. It was when Robert attended a community college in New York, and he was astounded by the warmth he was receiving from other students. At first, he thought it was probably the campus’ culture. But he was consistently being addressed as Eddie.



Jhemmylrut Teng
Lessons from History

Media adviser for international relations and content creator during free time. A former TV Reporter. A life warrior.