A Volcano Eruption In Middle Of World War II-Mount Vesuvius

The Mount Vesuvius eruption in World War II led to the loss of 80 B25 bombers of the US Army Air Force. The volcano temporarily stalled the Allied advance in Italy

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Mount Vesuvius erupting.Source-Wikipedia

Mount Vesuvius fumed with smoke and fire. It was a beautiful natural phenomenon and was a blessing in disguise for Germany.

Right at the bottom of the volcano sat an entire US heavy bomber division of 80 aircraft. The volcanic eruption caused more damage to the US Army Air Force that day than Luftwaffe air raids. Nazi propagandists applauded the event by saying, “We got the colonel, and Mount Vesuvius got the rest.”

History of Eruptions:

Last days of Pompei. Source-Wikipedia

Mount Vesuvius is the largest volcano in Italy and the only active volcano in Europe.

Mount Vesuvius erupts once in a while and causes massive devastation. In 76 BCE, Pompei, a town at the foothills of Mount Vesuvius, was burned to ashes killing many citizens.

