Battle Of Beams the technology war during World War II

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History
7 min readJan 27, 2020


German defense structure in 1944: Source:Wikipedia

The Battle for the skies of Britain started in 1940. The Luftwaffe; German air force, and the Royal Air Force (RAF) were developing technologies to counter each other.

The Luftwaffe was leading the technology war at the beginning, but the RAF caught up and won it. We will see four main Luftwaffe systems to enhance air raid on Britain and how the RAF jammed it.

1) X Gerät.

2) Ruffian beam.

3) Fire flare method.

4) Y Gerät.

Lorenz flight landing system:

Landing an aircraft in the night or bad weather was a problem in World War II.

The German military partnered up with the Lorenz company to develop a blind approach system in 1930. The system used a simple dash and dot system like Morse code.

In a runway, Dots get transmitted on the left side, and Dashes get transmitted on the right side. When a flight operator hears the correct sync of Dots and Dashes, he can be sure that he is traveling in the correct direction towards the runway (Center to the runway).

