Being Blown By A Cannon: Man’s Inhumanity To Man

Execution by Cannon.

Reginald Ben-Halliday
Lessons from History


Execution by cannon, Shiraz, Iran. 1890s. Source:

Man’s inhumanity to man. It is quite astonishing how some humans would go through any means necessary to erase or get rid of their fellow human beings. Due to hatred or to show superiority.

Throughout the centuries there have been different inhumane methods of execution used across the world. One example was trapping a victim in a small box and leaving him or her inside to die of starvation.

The photograph above shows an Iranian convict whose name is unknown, placed with his back in front of the mouth of a cannon. This was done in the 1890s and in a few moments, his body will be scattered to bits.

Blowing from a cannon has been used as a method of execution since the 16th century and even during the 20th century. It is a method of execution in which the victim is typically tied to the mouth of a cannon which is then fired, resulting in death.

George Carter Stent (1833–1884) described the process as follows: “The prisoner is generally tied to a gun with the upper part of the small of his back resting against the muzzle. When the gun is fired, his head is seen to go straight up into

