Black Grace, God and Forgiveness
Why Black people have graced America with a second chance
In an alternate universe, there’s a group of people who were kidnapped, put in dungeons, beaten, shipped across oceans chained, enslaved, raped, murdered, and then afterword, shit on, relegated to second-class status, segregated in substandard housing, and deprived of basic human rights.
Four hundred five years and counting.
That’s the math from 1619 to the present.
Generations and generations of men, women and children enduring systems run by people who still have no interest in righting the wrongs of the past. Still no national interest in undoing the same systems built on so much inequity.
Still electing people who deny the impact of institutional racism. And who actually want to end efforts to improve society when it comes to race. Who want to end scholarships for Black kids. Or loans for Black female entrepreneurs.
Most people can only take so much abuse before snapping.
How much can any of us take before we say enough is enough!
There was a kid in my son’s high school who had been bullied over and over again for over a year. Made fun of. Poked at. Mimicked. He told his teachers. The principal. All of his…