Churchill: The good, the bad and the ugly

Saamir Ansari
Lessons from History
5 min readMay 24, 2020


(Googles Images)

Winston Churchill is undoubtedly Britain’s most famous Prime Minister. He continues to hold an almost mythical status today, both overseas and in Britain, as one of the greatest leaders in history. In fact, in 2002 Churchill was voted the greatest Briton ever by a nationwide survey (YouGov Poll, 2002).

Unfortunately this idyllic image of Churchill is deeply misleading. Though one cannot deny his achievements, there was a far darker side to Churchill that cannot be forgotten.

Historians have recently acknowledged this and adopted a far more balanced approach in an attempt to dispel some of the myths that have glorified his legacy until now.

Churchill: The Good

Churchill’s legacy was most profoundly forged after he guided the Allies to victory in the Second World War and, subsequently, fostered the still existing “special relationship” between the USA and the UK. It is interesting how, when reading about the war, the vital role of Russia stopping Germany from taking over Europe is often completely overlooked while Churchill’s role in the conflict takes center stage.

In 1909, a time rife with acute income inequality, a young Churchill introduced the Trades Boards Act to British Parliament which brought forward the idea of minimum wages in several sectors at a…

