Deadliest disease Which Impacted European History- Hemophilia

Hemophilia played a significant role in the European royal families and affected World War I and World War II

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


A Women with Hemophilia.Source-Wikipedia

Prince Leopold, the son of Queen Victoria, next in line to the British throne, slipped while walking downstairs.

The slip was a minor accident, but prince Leopold died due to the fall. Russia’s next in line for throne Prince Alexei inherited a strange disease that no one could cure.

Its speculated that a mysterious religious man Rasputin healed the boy. The illness which connected royal princes from different countries was Hemophilia or commonly called as the “royal disease.”

The Royal Disease:

Hemophilia transmission chart.Source-Wikipedia

At the peak of her power, Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire, which was considered the wealthiest empire of the time.

With her influence, Queen Victoria was able to get her children married to royal families around the world. With the wealth, the children took a rare disease Hemophilia with them. Queen Victoria’s daughters Alice and Beatrice took the condition…

