Do You Ever Wonder Why History Repeats Itself?

The picture never changes, only the frame around it

Erik Brown
Lessons from History


Photo by Francesco Ungaro on Unsplash

I’ve always loved history. Stories from the past have always intrigued me. It doesn’t matter where they come from: ancient Greece, WWI era, or the times the Vikings sailed. I devour them all and can’t get enough.

Could it be that the stories are just entertaining — tales of times past that are hard to comprehend? Maybe.

As I study them more and more, the realization that comes to me is that these people of the past aren’t that different than us today. Despite their worlds being so strange, they have much of the same motivations we do.

If you try and analyze why they took certain actions, it makes sense — even to people of the present. You also see countless examples of them having the same problems we do.

The old clothing, the stone buildings, the lack of electricity — all these things make the people of those ages seem unknowable. They may have never experienced a text message, but they felt the things you feel every day.

Their outer world may have looked much different than our own, but their inner world matches ours more than you can imagine.

The Roman Emperor Of Self-Help

