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Does Genetic Diversity Make Black People Dumb?
Science disproves the foundation of racism
Through extensive DNA research, scientists have confirmed that the place on planet Earth with the most genetic diversity among humans by far is Africa.
We all know that the non-scientific world likes to classify people into skin shades. Black, White, Brown and the like, but in science, genetic diversity is far more complex.
Genetic diversity refers to the wide range of different traits within a species. In humans, that covers a lot.
Bones. Height. The shape, color and size of our eyes. Feet and hands. Natural muscle structure. Torso. Brain. Shapes of our ears. Whether we can roll our tongues. Genetic diseases. You name it.
Not only that. When there’s wide genetic diversity, it means that in nearly every human trait and characteristic, the most extremes of those traits would be present. And everything in between.
Because Africa has the most genetic diversity, people from the continent thus exhibit the most extremes in genetic traits.
When I was in Rwanda in 2021, I met someone from the Watusi Tribe. They are the tallest people in the world. Men average, yes average, 6-foot-1. Members of the Dinka Tribe in South Sudan, who average 5-foot-11, are…