Early Warning Sign Neglected By US Hours Before The Attack On Pearl Harbor

Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel, the chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, failed to act on the initial attacks by Japanese subs hours before the main attack.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


USS Arizona under attack.Source-Wikipedia

A US Navy ship spotted a midget submarine near a USA navy base. Stuck by a depth charge, the midget submarine came ashore.

The US Navy ship’s captain reported the incident to the Pacific fleet chief, Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel. Kimmel took the event lightly and failed to alert the pacific fleet docked in Pearl Harbor. In a few hours, half of the US Pacific Fleet came under attack.

Prelude to War:

Japanese army in China.Source-Japan Focus

The Japanese aggression in Asia was on full swing with the invasion of China.

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D-New York) came to power to promise that the USA will never enter a war in a far off region. FDR who knew that the United Kingdom needs support.

He signed the Lend Lease agreement with Britain, which supplied the British Empire’s forces with needed weapons…

