Eight Disturbing Facts About the Auschwitz Nazi Concentration Camp

Evil of Enormous Proportions — The Case of Auschwitz

Lessons from History
10 min readJul 7, 2022


“A view from the execution yard (Auschwitz)” by AdamTasImages is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

In 1940, at the height of Nazi barbarism, Auschwitz-Birkenau was built 37 miles west of Krakov, Poland. In a mere four and a half years, one-third of the entire Jewish population had been decimated — at least 1 million were massacred at Auschwitz. This infamous murder site was developed until it became the largest and arguably the cruelest — demonstrating the savagery of the Nazis in full display.

Jewish populations from all across Europe were systematically targeted and dragged to the site, where they were divided into groups — those who would be incinerated in gas chambers instantly and those who would live through the misfortune of forced labor.

Although we’ve become aware of the horrifying methods used by the Nazis, such as gassing victims to death, there is a surprising amount of grotesque information surrounding Auschwitz, of which little is widely known.

1. Orchestras and the March to Death

Yes, Nazi soldiers indeed were that sadistic. During World War Two specifically, a tradition was formed — a select number of Jewish performers were selected to form orchestras, which played popular German songs of the time. Not…



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.