8 Little-Known Facts About Charlie Chaplin

Things you probably didn’t know about The Little Tramp.

5 min readNov 17, 2020


Charlie Chaplin | Photo Credits: ComingSoon.net

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, more commonly known as “Charlie Chaplin”, was born in London at the end of the 19th Century. He was an English comic actor and film-maker and was renowned throughout the world.

Charlie Chaplin made his mark on the cinema industry in 1910 when he visited the United States. A man of tremendous talent and proficient skills, Charlie quickly rose in the industry. His buoyant personality aided him in standing out.

Chaplin starred in his most famous film “The Little Tramp” in 1915, which he himself wrote and directed. His tragicomic character became an icon in the era of the silent film. Charlie transformed cinema and his acting, film-making, writing, and producing were acknowledged worldwide.

Iconic movies like the Gold Rush, The Kid, The Great Dictator, and Modern times are considered some of the best cinematic movies to have been made at the time. In the 1940s, Chaplin was subject to a lot of controversies and his fame declined quite rapidly.

However, despite all of those controversies, Charlie Chaplin remains renowned all over the world and his legacy still carries on. As a tribute to the iconic legend, I’ve compiled a list of eight rare facts about his…




I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.