Eight Little-Known Facts About Queen Nefertiti

The Queen has been a mysterious yet influential figure in the history of Ancient Egypt.

The True Historian
Lessons from History


“The bust of Queen Nefertiti” by zcamerino is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Queen Nefertiti (c.1370-c.1330 BCE) was one of the most potent Queens of Ancient Egypt. Wife of King Amenhotep IV, Nefertiti ruled Egypt along with the king for about 12 years, after which she vanished from historical records.

The pair reigned the country when it ruled the entire world. Egypt in that era was undoubtedly the most richly cultured and powerful nation on Earth. Besides her feminist approaches and influential leadership, Nefertiti is known for her legendary charisma, grace, and beauty.

She was a beauty Icon; Nefertiti was precisely what her name meant “the beautiful one has come.” Here are a few lesser-known facts about Nefertiti.

1. A match made by Ay

The bloodline of Queen Nefertiti is unknown; there are a few theories that Nefertiti was the daughter of Ay, an advisor of many royals, including the king Amenhotep III. On the other hand, some scholars claim that Nefertiti was the daughter of Amenhotep III with his “lesser” wife, and she was given to Ay and Ty in babyhood. It is also said that Ay was appointed as the Royal tutor to teach his future son-in-law, Amenhotep III.



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate