The Larger-Than-Life Elvis Presley and His Weird Sex Life

Voyeuristic Elvis Presley disappointed some of the most beautiful women of his time

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


lvis Presley with Ursula Anders and Elsa Cardenas in a movie Fun in Acapulco
Elvis Presley with Ursula Anders and Elsa Cardenas in a movie Fun in Acapulco (Image:

Elvis Presley (1935-1977) was a sex symbol and the king of rock ’n’ roll. If he was very clumsy with girls in high school and they rejected him all the time, that changed when Elvis became famous.

In the 1950s, Elvis became the subject of unprecedented sexual desire of young women. The girls all over the world were dying to make love with him.

In his twenties, when he was young and in good health, Elvis had sex with three women a day.

Over the years, Elvis developed weird fetishes, such as asking his girls to always wear white panties. He suffered from Madonna-whore complex and couldn’t have sex with a woman who gave birth.

Elvis loved to watch

Elvis Presley (Image:

Although Elvis had sex with hundreds of women, he enjoyed watching other couples having sex.

Elvis was notorious for installing two-way mirrors in his…

