Ernesto Che Guevara: What Turned Him into a Legend Was His Gruesome Death

Until he became a part of global cultural heritage

Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History


Popularized cropped version of Guerrillero Heroico — Ernesto Che Guevara
Popularized cropped version of Guerrillero HeroicoChe Guevara | Image by Wikimedia Commons, altered by the author

Why feel sorry for the guy who killed dozens of people anyway?

Maybe because he truly believed in a better and more just world? After all, Ernesto Che Guevara was against poverty, suffering, and accumulation of fortune. Also, he was cheering for the freedom of the black people when very few white people did. This communist both wanted to free the world from the dominance of American capitalism and criticized the Soviets for forgetting Carl Marx’s teachings.

But who did this little doctor think he was to dare to change the influence of the world forces?

As an upper-class Argentinian, he could have minded his own business in the Cuban revolution. But the Irish blood in his veins had made him a young rebel and his leftist parents only strengthened the “affinity for the poor”. Young Ernesto believed he could help.

The rest is the history of a guy who ended up on woke people’s T-shirts.

Che Guevara Wanted to Start a New Revolution

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Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History

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