Facts About Palestine: The Truth About Zionist Militias And The Nakba

History without emotion

Lessons from History
3 min readSep 1, 2024


Nakba — Photo by Tristan Sosteric on Unsplash

In the War of Independence, which led to the founding of the State of Israel there were many tragedies, and innocent lives lost both Arab and Jewish.

There were mass expulsions on both sides. Over 700,000 Palestinians lost their homes and land. At the same time in Arab countries, 800,000 Jews were expelled. Let’s not be naïve. This is what happens in War.

So, in British Palestine in 1948 it is true that some armed Zionist militias that were part of the Irgun, Haganah, and Stern Gang engaged in a campaign of terror, massacre, and expulsions. This happened on both sides.

Ken Stern explains it further and asks some important questions

He begins:

In 1948, Israel was attacked by the Armies of seven neighboring countries. They were fighting for their existence. (I don’t believe anyone, even someone supporting a Free Palestine disputes this.)

It makes no sense to assume that the Zionists In the middle of this, took the time and effort, diverted limited numbers of soldiers and even more limited weaponry, to…



Lessons from History

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