5 Surprising Similarities Between Christianity & Islam

Let’s forget about differences for a second.

Lessons from History
5 min readDec 21, 2020


Photo Credits: World Magazine

With more than 2.4 billion followers, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. In terms of percentage and worldwide spread, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world with around 1.8 billion adherents. However, these two major faiths are still perceived to be substantially disparate in terms of followers, beliefs, and practices. With Christianity being practiced majorly in the Western world, and Islam is the dominant religion in Middle-East and Asia, their geographical compositions differ considerably as well.

Furthermore, both belief systems have attracted and provoked significant negative criticism and ire over the years. Contrary to what many believe, however, both Christianity and Islam are perhaps two of the most closely linked religions to have ever existed. With a myriad of similarities stemming from their shared history and belief systems, Muslims and Christians are called Abrahamic cousins for a good reason.

Here are five surprising similarities between the two major faiths that are a source of perceived salvation for billions of people around the globe.

1. Both have the same basic framework



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.