Four Uncomfortable Facts About the Life of Audrey Hepburn

Humphrey Bogart was a nasty piece of work

Jacob Wilkins
Lessons from History


A photograph of Audrey Hepburn, 1954 (Wikimedia Commons)

Audrey Hepburn was a sweet, classy actress who embodied elegance and beauty better than anyone else in the Hollywood film industry.

While it’s hard to argue with this statement, Hepburn also went through plenty of rough patches during her life.

Sure, she never developed a scandalous reputation like some actresses did, but there are still many uncomfortable facts to discover.

1. Audrey Hepburn’s Parents Supported Fascism and Had Lunch With Adolf Hitler

A photograph of Adolf Hitler, 1935 (Wikimedia Commons)

It’s easy to look back and scold those who supported fascism. But it’s important to remember that the European fascists — especially those in Germany — were masters of manipulation, capable of turning decent people into loyal stooges.

Audrey Hepburn’s parents, like many others, fell victim to the allure of fascism. Over in Britain, they supported the British Union of Fascists (BUF) by collecting funds and helping to recruit new members. Hepburn’s mother, whose name was Ella, wrote an…

