Hadrian — The Gay Roman Emperor

Hadrian was deeply in love with beautiful Antinous

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Hadrian is considered one of the Five Good Roman Emperors by historians. In Roman history, he belongs to the group of elite emperors such as Trajan and Augustus.

He was a good ruler who dedicated his life to the strengthening of the enormous Roman Empire. He built walls and he fortified borders with strongholds. You’ve probably heard about the famous Hadrian’s Wall in England.

Hadrian was known for his love of Greek culture and tireless travels all around the empire. He happened to be homosexual as well.

Although common for the Roman emperors to have male lovers, Hadrian was unique in making it clear he was gay.

Hadrian (ruled 117–138 AD) married Vibia Sabina in 100 AD for political reasons. After all, Sabina was a niece of Roman Emperor Trajan.

As it was common among the imperial family, the relationship was incestuous. Hadrian and Sabina were second cousins once removed. But there was no inbreeding. Hadrian never consummated the marriage and the couple didn’t have any children.

Contemporaries claimed Hadrian treated his wife Sabina a little better than a slave. He married Sabina…

