The Only German General Who Yelled At Hitler (and Survived)

Heinz Guderian, the legendary tank commander, openly challenged Hitler

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Heinz Guderian (right) in 1941 (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

In March 1945, World War II in Europe was coming to an end. The Soviets from the east and the Americans, British, French, and Canadians from the west were advancing into Nazi Germany.

After the failure of General Busse to rescue the encircled German troops at Küstrin, General Heinz Guderian and Adolf Hitler shouted at each other in pure rage.

Hitler’s generals were used to be yelled at by Hitler, however, Hitler wasn’t used to be yelled at by his generals.

Guderian, purple in his face, screamed at Hitler. Hitler’s staff stood by in shock.

In the end, both men had to be separated.

On March 28, 1945, Hitler relieved Guderian of his command:

“I think you have had enough. You are relieved of command. You can go home now.”

— Hitler to Guderian after firing him

Guderian had to take a six-week-long convalescent leave. He never saw Hitler again.

