History of Bodhidharma — Mysteries & Secrets (Indian Pallava Prince)

The amazing life of the Chan, Zen & Kung Fu master

Ungal Anban Hemanth
Lessons from History


  • Bodhidharma was the 28th patriarch of Buddhism, hailing from India.
  • Bodhidharma founded Chan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism.
  • Bodhidharma is the father of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Yet, Indians DO NOT know this Pallava Prince! How unfortunate.

Life of Bodhidharma. All about Bodhidharma Damo Daruma Indian King Prince Kanchipuram Chan Zen Buddhism
All about Bodhidharma
  • Around 470 AD, Bodhidharma was born in Kanchipuram in India, as the third son to a Pallava King, believed to be Skandavarman IV.
  • Bodhidharma renounced his royal life and became a Buddhist monk. Upon instruction from his guru Prajnatara, he travelled to China to spread Mahayana Buddhism.
  • By around 520 AD, he reached south China.
Bodhidharma’s father family Pallava line Buddhism Lineage Indian King Real
Bodhidharma’s Lineage

Let’s look at three MOST INTERESTING EVENTS from his life.

1. Clash with Emperor Wu:

Emperor Wu of Liang dynasty, who was renowned for building Buddhist temples and spreading Buddhism across the country, invited Bodhidharma to his court. The Emperor, treating Bodhidharma with utmost…

