Hitler’s Dear Princess And a Nazi Spy — Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe

Stephanie influenced major events at the start of World War II. The FBI regarded her as the most dangerous Nazi spy equivalent to 10,000 men.

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History


Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe.Source-Wikipedia

She was a princess by title and moved among the elites of Europe with ease.

She had the ears of the British aristocracy, parliamentarians, and, most importantly, the ears of Hitler. America’s security agency the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) described her as equivalent to 10.000 men and feared she could make a significant impact in World War II if used effectively. Her name was Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe, but Hitler called her Dear Princess.

How She became Princess:

Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe.Source-Wikipedia

Stephanie was born to a Jewish family in Prague. She grew up to be a talent and center of attraction in any gathering.

Stephanie and Prince Friedrich Franz von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst were engaged in a relationship. Their marriage got her the royal title of Princess Stephanie von Hohenlohe.

