How a Romantic Poet inspired Gandhi and Martin Luther King

How a simple poem influenced famous freedom fighters like Gandhi to adapt peaceful protests and non-violent resistance.

Tamara Mitrofanova
Lessons from History


Percy Shelley is so underrated that it hurts. Shelley was the first to encourage peaceful protests in overthrowing tyrannical governments and this had inspired Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and others. His legacy is being the first to pioneer peaceful protests that toppled regimes.

Portrait of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Public Domain.

Percy Shelley, a famous poet from the Romantic Era, was the first to advocate for peaceful protests and he inspired Gandhi to adopt non-violent resistance. Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violent resistance influenced Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. They had all followed Shelley’s philosophy and it helped create a new world.

When Gandhi read Shelley’s poem, “The Masque of Anarchy” he was instantly captivated by its message for freedom through peace. It is known that Gandhi would often quote various passages from the poem to vast audiences during the campaign for India’s independence.

Percy Shelley wrote this poem after hearing of the tragic event known as the Massacre of Peterloo. More than a hundred working men, women and children were seriously…



Tamara Mitrofanova
Lessons from History

I dwell too much on my thoughts, and writing is therapeutic.