How a wrong courier delivery sparked a war between French Indo-China and Japan during World War II

Karthick Nambi
Lessons from History
3 min readMar 26, 2020


Japanese invasion of French Indo=China. Source:Wikipedia

A courier was carrying an important letter with him. He rushed into the building running towards the room marked in the message. He opens it up, and to his utter shock, no one was in the place.

The courier made a grave mistake of mistakenly trying to deliver the letter in a wrong building. This simple mistake sparked a Japanese invasion of French Indo-China.

French Indo-China:

French Indo-China was a consortium of French colonies in Southeast Asia. The region fell under the French colonial rule in the 19th century.

After the surrender of France in World War II, French-Indo China fell under the control of Vichy France, a Nazi-puppet state. After France’s fall, Intermediate French goverment made a pact wih Germany to split French territories into two divisions. Those divisions were:

The Occupied zone — This Zone is entirely under the control of Germany.

The Vichy Zone — This is the free part of France, under the rule of Nazi ally and French dictator Marshal Philippe Pétain.

