How Ancient Egypt did Amazingly Accurate Pregnancy Tests 3,500 Years Ago?

Egyptian women even determined sex with wheat & barley.

Lessons from History



History has appreciated ancient Egyptians for various inventions and practices — they inspired the world in many ways. History glorifies Egypt was interim of its infant mortality rate and pregnancy tests.

According to the University of Chicago, it was incredibly high throughout history — the reason being Egyptian women being super cautious of proper breastfeeding and nourishment of their child, especially in the awful sanitary condition that posed a risk to the infant immune system.

Interestingly enough, the civilization was ahead in the pregnancy test as well. Let’s see how:

Accuracy of Egyptians test

Egyptians, not only were they able to conduct tests but actually provide a good accuracy upon the subject — approximately 70%, which is a decent rate, actually more than what we have today despite being so advanced.

Back then, the test alone could decide the gender of the child born. Ancient Egyptians used the same procedure of determining the pregnancy through urine samples, but they did it 3500 years ago!



Lessons from History

History Buff, Personal Growth Blogger & Designer. For inquiries: