How the Beauty Rituals of Ancient Egypt Influenced the Modern World

The use of cosmetics, perfumes, and ointments

Lessons from History


Musician wearing a perfume cone, circa 1400 BCE

The use of makeup and cosmetics might seem to be a modern trend but it traces back its roots to Ancient Egypt.

The Egyptian royalty, aristocracy, and even the middle class considered beautification an integral part of their lives. The Ancient Egyptians did not use makeup only to beautify their physical appearances but cosmetics and incense were used in rituals and had symbolic meanings.

According to the Oxford dictionary, the science behind cosmetics and perfumes was so advanced for the Egyptians that the word ‘Chemistry’ (derived from ‘alchemy’) has its ancients roots in Kemet, the ancient name of Egypt in the Egyptian language.

The ancient Egyptians regarded beauty as a sign of holiness and put makeup on Egyptian Gods too. They embraced personal aesthetics in graves as well. The excavations have uncovered the burial sites with everyday items like combs, scented ointments, cosmetics in the grave of men and women.

Beauty rituals by ancient Egyptians



Lessons from History

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