How Charles Darwin’s Journey On The Beagle Changed The World Of Science

Charles Darwin’s book ‘The Origin of Species was released in 1859, and it is often considered the book that changed the world

Bryan Dijkhuizen
Lessons from History
6 min readDec 2, 2021


The Beagle in the waters (Wikipedia)

The way people saw the world, and particularly how it came into existence, was irrevocably altered as a result. Darwin’s theory of evolution was the first to be proposed, and it was a direct challenge to the Christian idea that the planet was created in six days. His assertions were based on the findings he had made during his five-year voyage abroad aboard his ship, the Beagle.

Darwin, who was just 22 years old, embarked on a journey to South America. Before returning to Europe, he continued his voyage over the continents of Australia and Africa. In 1836, he returned to his home country of England.

Who Was Charles Darwin, And Why Is He So Memorable?

In any case, which Darwin was and why he decided to go on such a voyage at the age of twenty-two remain a mystery.

Charles Darwin was born in February 1809 in the English town of Shrewsbury. The physician and philosopher Erasmus Darwin was his grandfather, and his father was a rich physician, as was the poet Charles Darwin.



Bryan Dijkhuizen
Lessons from History

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. —