How Much Does Queen Elizabeth II Pay Her Cleaning Lady?

I would expect her to pay a decent wage, wouldn’t you?

Joanna Henderson
Lessons from History


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Would you want to work for the Queen of England or for any royal family? I suspect that if you’re anti-monarchy, you wouldn’t. But I would! Because where I live, which is Canada, a government job translates into very decent pay, many vacation days, excellent benefits and a reasonable workload. I mean, it may take people 2 hours to get through to an agent at a call centre or you sometimes have to wait for 6 months for them to profess a simple form… But that’s not the government’s problem! They can charge you $400 for filing an immigration form and then take 1 year to process it, but that’s only because they are too cheap to hire more people or offer their staff overtime.

In all seriousness though, having a government job is great. I applied for those many times, yet I never got a call. Too bad, not so sad though – I’m pretty happy working for a private corporation. No regrets there. But if ever offered, I’d totally consider such a job.

Wouldn’t you expect the Queen of England to pay her staff a decent wage with great benefits? I would. I’m not British but I always assumed government jobs are equally good in England and other British countries. After all, Canada is a former British colony and we modelled…



Joanna Henderson
Lessons from History

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.