How Shepherds Slowed The Unstoppable Nazi War Machine

Those thought of as meek are not weak

Erik Brown
Lessons from History


Photo by joseph d'mello on Unsplash

In May of 1941, the war was going badly for the Allies. France had fallen to Nazi control and after repulsing Italian forces, Greece had fallen to the Germans after a subsequent invasion. The British moved their troops from mainland Greece to Crete and planned to defend the island with help from native Greek forces.

The Nazis had other ideas, however, they wanted the island and planned an invasion. The Germans had an interesting idea on how to gain control of the island. Due to the British strength at sea, the Germans would use an airborne invasion.

This assault to capture the island would be spearheaded by paratroopers — the Fallschirmjäger. The Germans figured these elite airborne-based commandos would have no problem subduing the island from British stragglers and meek Greek shepherds. In the battle of David versus Goliath, this time the giant would smash the small shepherd.

