How the Founder of Ford Motor Company Promoted Anti-Semitism in America

Henry Ford’s racist and anti-semitic beliefs got him complimented by Hitler.

Lessons from History
7 min readJun 18, 2021


Henry Ford | Photo Credits: Hype Science

Henry Ford is known to the world as one of America’s most prominent business tycoons and a man that revolutionized the automobile industry. When he was alive, he was by far one of the most well-known entrepreneurs not just in America but in the entire world. His influence reached many parts of the world, including the youngsters of a poor and struggling Germany.

However, under all the success and fame, Henry Ford was a wildly controversial figure. His misogynistic, traditionalist viewpoints made him subject to much ire from people around the world. Of course, there is nothing wrong with being an individual with conventional thinking; however, it becomes problematic if one starts enforcing these ideologies on other people through sheer force and influence. And Henry Ford did his best to push down his own twisted narrative of the world on his workers and people around him.

More shockingly are his racist and anti-semitic beliefs, which were so strong that he got complimented by the biggest antisemite there was: Adolf Hitler. From Ford’s obsession with controlling the lives of his workers to his antisemitic beliefs that earned him the highest Nazi



Lessons from History

I am a History Educator and a Lifelong Learner with a Masters in Global History.