How to Guide to Russian Useful Idiot Disinformation Demolition

The Lefty Version of Contempt For Knowledge & History

Lester Golden
Lessons from History

-- Erasing history and genocidal denial: Russia removes Holodomor memorial in Mariupol. “Russian state news agency RIA Novosti published video footage of the monument’s removal, claiming it “was a symbol of political misinformation,” and saying the granite block will be “made into construction materials.”

Two sides of genocide apologist hit my evidence and history-based writing about the Russia-Ukraine war, but differently. These differences tell you how to design disinformation demolition of each. Disinformation demolition without disinformation diagnosis is ineffective.

The Ukrainians-are-Nazis Bucha/Irpin/Izyum were false flags Putinist right are as untethered to reality as the QAnon Jewish space laser Big Lie Trumpster right. The less overtly paranoid blame NATO left half of genocide apologists masks its contempt for evidence, history and scholarship with a facade of pursuit of peace through diplomacy bothsides-ism.

The first right wing half is more absurdly entertaining and less dangerous for the uninformed and unwary who, before the war, might not have found Ukraine on a map. The second lefty half is utterly unfunny in its earnest hypocrisy, and far more dangerous due to the hope of oxygen it gives to Russia’s dying incompetent military and imperial kleptocracy.

Jewish space laser MTG, Gaetz and “blank check” McCarthy may pose more budgetary danger to US support for Ukraine. But it’s the faux-peacenik left that infects the Democratic Party’s progressive caucus, Scholz’s…



Lester Golden
Lessons from History

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.