How U.S. Audio Engineers, Ad Agents, Set Designers, Film Directors, and Actors Outsmarted Adolf Hitler

The significant contribution of Allied powers’ deception unit in the fall of Nazis

Jhemmylrut Teng
Lessons from History


United States’ Ghost Army amid World War II | Credit: Ghost Army Legacy Project

In the era of the Second World War, the United States used Hollywood to advertise U.S. military recruitment, war bonds, and propaganda. The entertainment industry assisted the Allies in several ways, even on the battlefield.

The United States even created a special military unit composed of advertising agents, visual artists, audio engineers, set designers, film directors, and actors. They were sent to the European Theater to outwit Adolf Hitler’s generals and admirals.

These artists’ main mission was to fool the Nazis by creating a huge production — Hollywood style.

Uncle Sam wants creative people

During World War Two, the United States’ most conservative organization, the U.S. Army, started massive recruitment of people in creative professions.

They targeted students from the top art schools across the country. They also recruited seasoned advertising agents, set designers, props makers, film directors, carpenters, visual artists, and audio engineers.



Jhemmylrut Teng
Lessons from History

Media adviser for international relations and content creator during free time. A former TV Reporter. A life warrior.