How Wallis Simpson Got King Edward VIII to Abdicate without Ever Wanting to

And became the victim of her own ambition

Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History


Wallis Simpson in 1936
Wallis Simpson in 1936 | Image from Wikipedia, altered by the author

Wallis Simpson was a Meghan Markle before real Meghan Markle. King Edward VIII caused a huge scandal when he abdicated in December 1936 so he could marry her. Their affair is depicted as the greatest love story of the 20th Century. Still, it was everything but.

Wallis Simpson was a controversial American Socialite who thought it would be awesome to become a new Queen of England and Empress of India. She looked like a boy with a hoarse voice and an inverted triangle body shape but she knew what turned men on. And she led an unbelievable life even from the perspective of the 21st Century.

Wallis, the Duchess of Windsor was an ambitious woman who got more than she wanted. In the end, she had to live with it.

The Early Life of a Go-Getter

Wallis Simpson before 1936
Wallis Simpson before 1936 | Image from Wikipedia

Wallis Simpson was born in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania in 1896 as Bessie Wallis Warfield.

She was conceived out of wedlock two months before her parents’ wedding. Her father died of tuberculosis when…



Maria Milojković, MA
Lessons from History

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