How Was the British Hero Winston Churchill Responsible for the Bengal Famine?

A deep peek into the Bengal Famine of 1943, Which Killed Millions

Krishna V Chaudhary
Lessons from History


Bengal Famine | Image Source: The Logical Indian

Winston S. Churchill is remembered for two main reasons. The brighter reason is he being a hero during World War II and leading Britain to victory.

His refusal to give in and inspiring speeches are remembered even today.

The bitter reason is that he was remembered as the man who caused a deadly, devastating famine in Bengal during 1943.

The Bengal famine was the only calamity that took place as a result of drought. Winston Churchill’s policies also played a significant role in the catastrophe.

The absolute failure of his policies was a nightmare for millions of people.

That famine had led to more than three million deaths.

The one who ate human flesh survived. (sad part of any calamity)

US and Indian scientists later analyzed the level of soil moisture and other soil factors.

They studied the soil between 1870 and 2016 to conclude the exact reasons behind the catastrophe.



Krishna V Chaudhary
Lessons from History

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