Young Jacques Cousteau

Art & Engineering, All Under One Purpose

Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths


Image Credit To Secret Fortress / Jason Pedegana —

Quick Intro

The Sea, Once It Casts Its Spell, Holds One In It’s Net Of Wonder Forever

Covering 70% of Earth’s surface, the ocean, despite our preference for land, remains the largest habitable ecosystem on our planet. Yet among the many polymaths we’ve now covered in this series, not one of them dedicated him or herself to water & its omnipresent properties.

Our eighth in this Masters of Many series is none other than the Sea King himself, the enigmatic Jacques Cousteau. With an origin story similar to that of comic book heroes, he led an exceptionally purposeful & productive life; despite wrapping all of his accomplishments within a marine-based topic, Cousteau undeniably portrays the range of polymaths like others in the series. We’ll maintain that same focus by zoning in on a specific time-period — what was he like in his twenties?

Note-Worthy Accomplishments

— Pioneered still-in-use scuba gear for Word War II, later commercializing it as the Aqua-Lung

— Filmed, directed & produced massively popular, Oscar-winning, documentaries about the ocean & marine life



Jesus Najera
Young Polymaths

Owner @ SetDesign, NightKnight & CryptoSpace | Product Designer | Hobbyist Mathematician | VR Developer | MS in Finance @ UF