Incredible Lady Who Had Two Private Parts, Four Legs & Eight Children

The inspiring story of Myrtle Corbin with conjoined twinning.

Lessons from History


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Myrtle Corbin was born in Lincoln County, TN, in 1868 with a medical condition known as dipygus, resulting in having two pelvis and four legs.

Doctors concluded her extra legs were supposed to be her twin’s separate legs, who only fully developed down from the waist. The rare conjoined twinning called made her have two different bodies from the core.

Corbin could control her sister’s leg, but they were weak and could not be used for walking — interestingly, her twin sister’s legs had only three toes on each foot. The clubbed foot lady had an overall difficult time walking as she owned only one usable leg.

What Caused Corbin to Develop Such a Rare Medical Condition?

Doctors couldn’t explain. She was simply a miracle. Analyzing her birth conditions, doctors found no abnormalities — there was nothing peculiar about her delivery, except that she was initially a breech presentation that later orientated normally. Corbin already had healthy four brothers and sisters, proving the abnormality was not genetic.



Lessons from History

History Buff, Personal Growth Blogger & Designer. For inquiries: