India’s Own Illuminati: 9 Unknown Men

With secrets like “The Touch of Death” and more

Radha Kapadia
Lessons from History


Image from Mensxp

The stories of secret societies have been around for ages. To some — The Illuminati, to others — the Priory Of Sion. India is believed to have one of the most powerful secret societies in the world called the 9 Unknown Men founded by Emperor Asoka, in 273 BC.

Nobody knows who these nine men are, but the society is believed to have been preserved over generations and exists to date.

The 9 Unknown Men, brought to life

In the history of the Indian emperors, Ashoka was known as the most ruthless king. But it was also true that his time was considered the most glorious in the history of India. His empire stretched to most parts of India and beyond.

But when he won one of the greatest wars under his reign, the great Kalinga war, something changed in him. Although he had won the war, the loss it cause was massive. Around 1,50,000 people were killed. After seeing the horrors of war, he realized that he can win as many wars as he wants but not the hearts of people.

Soon he took up Buddhism and started walking the path of peace and intellect. That was when it occurred to him that knowledge is power. Realizing how vast the knowledge of his own country is, he…



Radha Kapadia
Lessons from History

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