Israel vs Palestine: Which Side Needs Delusion Demolition?

Here we downsize the choice to Tik-Tok attention spans

Lester Golden
Lessons from History


This article is the third in a series for time-crunched attention spans and the geographically-challenged who can’t find or name the river or the sea in the Palestine will be free slogan.

Do long wordy articles trigger literary indigestion, but you still want more than analytical fast-food? This structured, sequential answer with visuals to these questions is for you:

  • Two states? Which side said yes and which no — repeatedly?
  • Which side’s national identity is a recent tactical invention?
  • Which side is openly genocidal and planned to use rape, torture and mutilation as weapons of war?
  • Which side views the other’s civilian diaspora as legitimate targets?
  • Which side is indigenous to the land? Has its people inherit refugee status?
  • Where did each side’s refugees come from?
  • Which side believes in apartheid? To answer ask Israel’s Arabs. Don’t ask Arab Jews because there are almost none left to ask.
  • Which side uses human shields?
  • Which side steals humanitarian aid sent to its own people and is a



Lester Golden
Lessons from History

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.